Thursday 19 March 2020


1. What is the title of the film? 
 2. Who is the director? 
Lauren Montgomery, Joaquim Dos Santo.
3. Who is the screenwriter?
Tim Hedrick, Joshua Hamilton, May Chan.

4. Where does the action take place?
In space.
5. When does the action take place? 
In present.
6. Which genre is the film? 

7. Who are the main characters?
Shiro, KeithAllura, Hunk, Lance, Pidge ande Coran.
8. Describe two characters in the film:  
KEITH: He is not very tall, he is thin, with pale skin, his hairstyle is similar to mullet hair and he is attractive.
psychological description:
he is impulsive,temperamental, his favorite color is red, he is quiet, reserved, always goes with a dagger or sword.
Age:18 (first season), 21 (sixth season) 
corean, texas, galra and human.

ALLURA: She is the princess of the planet Altean. She was frozen for many years because the space was invaded by dangerous aliens who wanted Voltron, the Galra.
She has the power to move the ship where           it is voltron.
Allura is a female Altean. She has an active, leggy physique and waist-length, voluptuous white hair. The only visible features distinguishing her from a human are her down-turned elfish ears. Her skin tone is nut brown, her eyes are galaxy blue with purple pupils, and her Altean marks are pink.
psychological description:She is a leader by nature, she leads Voltron, she is positive, happy, she gets angry often and easily, she does not forgive easily, her favorite color is pink.

Write 4 words from the film and ... Galra, bayard, paladin, Zarkon.
9. Write a definition in English 
Galra:It is a kind of purple, giant, evil alien that is led by Zarcon who wants Voltron.
Bayadr:It is the object to activate the voltron lions, like a key, each paladin has one of its default color. the bayard is transformed into a different weapon for each one.
Paladin:they are the chosen ones to form voltron, each one with his lion that chooses them.
Zarkon:The leader Galra, has spent many years looking for voltron to have the entire universe at his feet.
10. Translate them into Catalan
Galra: És una mena de alienígena morat, gegant i malvat que és dirigit per Zarcon que vol Voltron.
Bayadr: És l’objecte d’activar els lleons voltron, com una clau, cada paladí té un del seu color per defecte. El bayard es transforma en una arma diferent per a cada un.
Paladí: són els escollits per formar voltron, cadascun amb el seu lleó que els tria.

Zarkon: El líder Galra, porta molts anys buscant voltrons per tenir tot l'univers als seus peus.
11. Write one sentence with each word
The Garla Empire is coming- (Allura)
Use the bayars to activate the lions- (Allura)                                                           Galras ↓
Resultado de imagen de galra
Good luck paladines- (Allura and Coran)
Zarcon will not rest until he gets the black lion- (Shiro)   

Resultado de imagen de zarkon



Resultado de imagen de voltron


Resultado de imagen de allura
Resultado de imagen de bayard voltron
(leon rojo)

Resultado de imagen de coran voltron

1 comment:


CREDITS  1. What is the title of the film?  Voltron.  2. Who is the director?  Lauren Montgomery, Joaquim Dos Santo. 3. Who is the scre...